At Seeds Of Faith Kindergarten...
At Seeds Of Faith Kindergarten...
Seeds Of Faith Kindergarten is preparing for Spring! Karen Pasquel, of Dance Plus, Inc. Nazareth leads the children through a celebration of God's Creation of Trees. Our lesson began with the identification of Christian symbols using picture and word cards. We played a game using these cards integrating simple dance and movement to represent each symbol. We then transitioned into our Earth and Arbor day theme. The Children were involved in a variety of experiences with movement identifying the growth cycle of seeds, parts of a tree, and the ways a tree benefits us as humans through the gifts of oxygen, wood, paper products, and home for Gods' creatures...
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So many of God's gifts can be celebrated and embraced through movement and dance. Here we are thinking of a variety of Christian symbols and how we can present them through movement and the use of our bodies. If you are interested in this-contact me! I enjoy sharing God's WORD through movement and dance!